Derra, Meyer & Partner

Selection of Publication:

Co-Author, Beck’scher TKG Kommentar (Telecommunication Law), seit 4. Aufl. 2013, Verlag C. H. Beck München

Co-Author, Recht der elektronischen Medien (Law of Digial Media), Kommentar, seit 1. Aufl., Verlag C. H. Beck München

Co-Author,  Handbuch IT- und Datenschutzrecht (IT- and Privacy Law), seit 1. Aufl., Verlag C. H. Beck München

Co-Author und Leader of The Task Force, Leitfaden – Datenschutz und Cloud Computing (Guideline – Privacy and Cloud Computing), „Datenschutz“ der AG „Rechtsrahmen im Cloud Computing“, Trusted Cloud-Initiative des BMWI

Co-Author,  Big Data im Marketing – Chancen und Möglichkeiten für eine effektive Kundenansprache (Big Data and Marketing), 2015, Haufe Gruppe

Co-Author, Bergmann/Möhrle/Herb, Datenschutzrecht (Privacy Law, e. g. GDPR), Boorberg VerlagBoorberg

Co-Author, Beck'scher Online-Kommentar Datenschutzrecht (Privacy Law, e. g. GDPR), Wolff/Brink, Verlag C.H.Beck München

As well as several articles in Law Journals concerning IT- and Privacy-Law


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Tel.:  +49 211 – 17 52 06 60

Fax: +49 211 – 17 52 06 66



Jens Eckhardt

Dr. Jens Eckhardt is a Attorney-at-law in the dmp Derra, Meyer & Partner and a member of the executive board of EuroCloud Deutschland_eco e.V. Since 2001, he has been practising law in the fields of IT-law, Privacy Law and Telecommunications Law. Since then he has also been regularly holding lectures and is publishing articles and books, in particular on the various aspects of Privacy Law and IT-Law.

Juri Knaub

What is the INPLP?

INPLP is a not-for-profit international network of qualified professionals providing expert counsel on legal and compliance issues relating to data privacy and associated matters. INPLP provides targeted and concise guidance, multi-jurisdictional views and practical information to address the ever-increasing and intensifying field of data protection challenges. INPLP fulfils its mission by sharing know-how, conducting joint research into data processing practices and engaging proactively in international cooperation in both the private and public sectors.