The lists for financial support for vulnerable categories of citizens must be removed from the web sites of the competent authorities.

In November 2022, the Government of North Macedonia has adopted a new Law on Financial Support of Vulnerable Categories of Citizens for Dealing with the Energy Crisis. According to the law, the financial support is provided by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy Republic of North Macedonia, the Employment Agency of the Republic of North Macedonia and the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund of North Macedonia (hereinafter only “the Competent authorities”). The Beneficiaries of the financial support will be informed throught publishing of the list of beneficiaries on the web sites of the Competent authorities.
In December 2022 the Competent authorities have published on their web sites the lists of beneficiaries to whom the financial support is provided. The lists contain personal data of the beneficiaries of the financial support i.e. the name and surname of the beneficiary of the financial support and its residential address. The purpose of publishing the lists was the citizens who meet the conditions to check whether they are on the lists and otherwise to submit an objection to the competent commission, within a deadline of three days from the date of publication of the lists of financial support beneficiaries.
After the publishing of the lists by the Competent authorities, the Personal Data Protection Agency (hereinafter “The Agency”), pursuant to the article 66 of the Law on protection of personal data, issued an order to the Competent authorities, that the lists of the beneficiaries must be removed from their web sites since the lists contain a huge amount of beneficiaries and their personal data. However, the Agency instructed the Competent authorities that the list can remain on their web sites during the deadline of three days for submitting an objection by the beneficiaries and after the expiration of the deadline the lists must be removed from their web sites. At the same time the Competent authorities were obliged to inform the Agency and provide prove that they have complied with the issued order.
According to the Agency web site the Competent authorities have complied with their obligation and have provided the Agency with the relevant notification and requested proves that they have complied with the Agency order but our research shows that one of the competent authorities still has not acted upon Agency’s order which may result with a penalty according to the Law on personal data protection.
Article provided by INPLP members : Jasmina Brezovska (BONA FIDE Law Firm, Macedonia)
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Dr. Tobias Höllwarth (Managing Director INPLP)