The 7th INPLP conference

The International Network of Privacy Law professionals hosted its 7th annual INPLP conference in Vienna (and online). This year, members from 17 countries participated. Besides a wonderful dinner at the world famous restaurant Steirereck, this year's topics were:
- Processing of Special Category Data
- Zero breach obligations, Privacy law in South America and the Caribean
- Gaia-X
- The EU Data Act and business Opportunities for INPLP members
Special thanks to Odia Kagan, Katie Hewson, Bob Cordemeyer, Stephan Winklbauer, José Maria Alves Pereira, Adelina Iftime-Blagean, Peter Hense, Fabian Solis, Øystein Flagstad, Matija Jamnik, Rob Corbet, and Gege Gatt