Artificial Intelligence and the Law

It is now commonplace to say that artificial intelligence (AI) makes up one of the key technological advances for humanity. And yet, it is also general to state that AI represents one of the world´s critical challenges from social, ethical and legal perspectives.
With the goal to approach the main legal problems that the AI is bringing up, and privacy is clearly one of them, Francisco (Paco) Perez Bes, partner at digital law in Ecix (Spain), one of the members of INPLP, has edited the book AI and the Law, that will be available soon. You can find more information through this link:
It is precisely in these mixed views that the book finds its deepest raison d'être. If societies are at least significantly sceptical about the impact of AI, it seems more than justified that those components of AI that may in principle put more social risks should find an ethical and legal counterweight. Indeed, this book aims to contribute to enrich the debate about the ethical and especially legal determinants of AI technologies.
The work is characterised by three main notes: it is multidisciplinary, international and introductory. Multidisciplinary, because it focuses mainly on legal aspects, but it does not disregard the technological one, obviously essential in view of its subject-matter; although its readers may not be technologists, it is decisive for them to be provided with the foundations for any feasible ethical, business or legal analysis. It is international, as its authors come from universities and other entities on three continents (the Americas, Asia and Europe), which has helped to approach the issues from different territorial, thus complementary perspectives. Thirdly, it is an introductory book to the main ethical and legal (also business) problems of AI; at recording all of them, though, it will provide the reader with the general vision often sought when first approaching a matter or when trying to identify its very essence.
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Dr. Tobias Höllwarth (Managing Director INPLP)