Time.lex is currently supporting various cloud related projects of the European Commission, including the drafting of a Cloud Code of Conduct, studies on cross border data flows in the digital single market and the role of self- and co-regulation in the cloud market, and a support study on emerging issues of data ownership, interoperability, (re)usability and access to data, and liability.

0032 (0)479 79 55 00

Hans Graux
Hans Graux is an IT lawyer at the Brussels based law firm time.lex (www.timelex.eu), which specialises in information and technology law in the broadest sense. The team is internationally recognized, being both a Legal 500 Top Tier firm in Information Technology, and a Chambers Europe Recommended Firm for TMT - Information Technology.
Hans graduated in Law in 2002, and obtained a complementary degree in IT in 2003. He worked as a research assistant at the Catholic University of Louvain, before becoming a lawyer at the bar of Brussels in 2005. In July 2007, he co-founded the IT law firm time.lex.
He has participated in a large number of international ICT policy studies, primarily for the European Commission and various European Agencies. Recent work for the Commission has included projects focused on data protection, eSignatures, electronic identity management, cloud computing and information security. Furthermore, he is a member of the ICT Committee of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE), and Member of the ICT Committee of the Order of Flemish Bars.