Cordemeyer & Slager Advocaten B.V.
Cordemeyer & Slager Advocaten B.V. ( a company with limited liability) is a specialised law firm for the IT branch and dealing with issues in the field of I(C)T-law, employment law, Privacy and company law (including M&A), internet Law, tendering and litigation. Most of Cordemeyer & Slagers’s clientele are IT companies. We are also consulted by users in that market who need advice relating to information and computer contracts.
Members of our firm serve as arbitrators and mediators in accordance with the Stichting Geschillenoplossing Organisatie en Automatisering or SGOA (Foundation for the Settlement of Automation Disputes).
We are LawyersforIT, and like to help and understand IT Companies

Wilsonsplein 15, 2011 VG Haarlem - NL
P.O. Box 3223, 2001 DE Haarlem - NL
T: +31 (0)23 534 01 00
F: +31 (0)23 534 45 50
M: +31653146592

Bob Cordemeyer
Bob Cordemeyer, the founder of Cordemeyer & Slager / Advocaten has broad experience as IT law attorney-at-law. He advises and assists clients in all kinds of complex national and cross-border IT contracts and is an experienced litigator in IT disputes on failed automation projects and has a considerable track record for amicable settlement of disputes through negotiating or mediation. He is as mediator and arbitrator associated with the SGOA (the Foundation for the Resolution of Automation Disputes). He is a privacy specialist and advises his clients on GDPR issues.
Bob is a member of VIRA (Netherlands Association of Information Technology Lawyers), of NVvIR(Netherlands Association for Information Technology and Law) and of PON (Platform Outsourcing Netherlands). He represents the law firm in the international network IGAL (International Grouping of Accountants and Lawyers) and represents the Netherlands in CPC (Cloud Privacy Check).

Hanneke Slager
Hanneke Slager mainly practises law in the IT sector and advises and assists her clients in all kinds of complex national and cross-border IT contracts. These contacts concern outsourcing, implementation, turn key, agile and waterfall, licences, hosting, cloud services, open source, sales of hardware, management and maintenance, managed services, etc. Hanneke also assists her clients in trying to prevent or solve IT disputes – where requested through conflict prevention, mediation, (international) arbitration and other forms of ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution).
Hanneke graduated at Groningen University, where she specialized in private law and socio-economic law. She was admitted to the bar in 1989 and became a partner at Cordemeyer & Slager / Advocaten in that same year. She successfully completed the mediation training programme.
She frequently speaks at seminars and conferences in the Netherlands and abroad and she is a lecturer at the Juridische Academie. She lectures IT law in the Grotius post-academic specialist programme.
Hanneke has been a member of the SGOA (Governing Board of the Foundation for the Resolution of Automation Disputes) since 2002, and its chairman since January 2009. Since 2012 she has been a member of the Supervisory Board of the NL Net Foundation. From 2005 to 2012 she was a member of the SIDN (Supervisory Board of the Foundation for Internet Domain Registrations in the Netherlands).
Hanneke is a member of VIRA (Netherlands Association of Information Technology Lawyers), of NVvIR (Netherlands Association for Information Technology and Law) and of PON (Platform Outsourcing Netherlands).
Hanneke is a member of VIRA (Netherlands Association of Information Technology Lawyers), of NVvIR (Netherlands Association for Information Technology and Law) and of PON (Platform Outsourcing Netherlands).
Hanneke is the author of various articles in a wide range of magazines and professional journals, particularly on the subject of IT law.
She is the co-author of series on Recht en Praktijk (169), ‘Van geschil tot oplossing’, chapter 4: ‘Het arbitraal kort geding: opbergen of oppoetsen’ (February 2009). She is main-author of ‘Wegwijzer Automatisering en recht’ (1990) and co-author and final editor of ‘Werken met Source Code Escrow’ (1989).

Emmely Schaaphok
Emmely Schaaphok has been a lawyer at Cordemeyer & Slager Advocaten since 2023. She specializes in contract law, liability law, procurement law, and privacy law.
Emmely obtained her bachelor's degree at the University of Groningen, where she specialized in IT law. She completed her master's degree with honors at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, focusing on IT and intellectual property law.
Emmely is a member of the Netherlands Association for Information Technology and Law (NVvIR). She is also an active member of the Amsterdam Young Bar Association.