Belén is an independent senior legal counsel and one of the pioneers of IT and Privacy law in Spain. She advises leading companies and clients in industries like telecom, technology and hospitality. Acts as Data Protection Officer for a group of companies. She is the President of IFCLA (International Federation of Computer Law Association) and Vice-President of ENATIC.

Passatge Domingo, 11, 2º
08007 Barcelona SPAIN
Tel: +34 679105788
Tel: +34 934879109

Belén Arribas Sánchez
Belén advises on digital transformation, platforms economy, Internet & e-commerce matters, data privacy and security, cybersecurity, telecoms, media and technology. Advises on AI and machine learning, Big Data, IoT, Blockchain, smart contracts and ICOs-STOs projects for industries like Proptechs, Fintechs, Insurtechs, Legaltechs.
She is an expert in Data protection and Privacy and Data Security law: Assists in setting up corporate privacy offices including corporate privacy strategy. Carries out GDPR implementation projects across multiple jurisdictions, privacy risk governance projects, compliance audits, privacy impact assessments and international data transfers authorization procedures. Track record in enforcement procedures with important success rates. Acts as external DPO for several companies and is a trainer of DPOs. Advises the leading social media in privacy matters regarding their projects in Spain. Experience with other EU legislations and CCPA.
Also an IP practitioner, she negotiates, drafts and reviews software contracts, licenses, data transfers, technology transfers, inter alia. Regarding Criminal and Corporate Compliance, she develops Crime Prevention Plans including codes of conduct and ethics frameworks in areas like data protection, anti-corruption, antibribery, economic sanctions, insider trading, anti-trust, etc. Advises the Board of Directors and trains Directors and Compliance officers in this area.
Previously she was a partner with Andersen –where she was also the coordinator of the practice of IP-Data Protection and Digital Business at European level- as well as with other international law firms.
She has been recognized in directories like Best Lawyers (Technology Law and Data Protection), Who’s Who Legal ( TMT, Data Security and Data Protection, and distinguished as Thought Leader) for ten consecutive years. Chairman, moderator and speaker at many panels and round tables on e-commerce, data protection and privacy in a wide array of forums and conferences like the Mobile World Congress, GSMA or the Digital Future Society think tank. Arbitrator appointed by Asociación Europea de Arbitraje, specializing in technology law. Works in 6 languages.
She holds a Master in Law ( Universitat de Barcelona) and a Postgraduate Program in Technology Law (ESADE Business and Law School) as well as a Master in EU and International Law (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, The Netherlands).